I feel the need to explain the rationale behind this policy. It’s only one small part of an overall policy framework that paleolibertarians (UCP are libertarian, NOT conservative) are implementing in healthcare. https://twitter.com/jaquetsmith6/status/1319319208191143936
Offloading the cost of medication onto patients and their insurance accomplishes advances the overall goal of transferring healthcare costs and approval to employers.

Yes you read that correctly. UCP is in the process of transferring responsibility for healthcare to employers.
I documented the Telus Health business plan here. And yes, Andrea Shandro sells this insurance package to employers. So yes, there is a conflict of interest. Regardless what the Ethics Commissioner stated. https://twitter.com/sunnshiiny/status/1241477572816334848
Kenney expects immense savings by offloading healthcare to employers. Those with employment are able to select their level of coverage and pay a premium. Basic coverage may be covered by the employer.

Those without insurance coverage would rely on the remaining public model.
That would be limited to emergency care probably. Diagnosis but no follow up. Exactly the model in the US. A private healthcare model.

That would be why Kenney doesn’t care whether physicians leave. They are the wrong people anyway. He wants entrepreneurial physicians.
Ones that are perfectly fine diagnosing on Babylon vs in person calls. Or leaving diagnoses to AI algorithms. Ones who will follow the directives of insurance companies & employers restrictions decided and approved by employers whose motive is cost savings but healthy employees.
The potential for abuse is staggering.

Imagine having a type 1 diabetic or transplant recipient. Babylon and Telus Health have the capacity to monitor adherence to medical advice. One too many slips and the insurer can refuse coverage. Too high of a risk.
This scenario is entirely possible because healthcare would be a corporate responsibility. Not a provincial government responsibility. The fired, laid off or denied coverage employee would still be covered by the basic minimum public healthcare.
Medical decisions would become determined by cost and risk factors exhibited by the employee, not trained medical staff.

We have all heard American insurance horror stories of denied coverage and dead patients. There is no reason that wouldn’t be the case in Alberta.
There is a reason the COVid app isn’t available in BC and AB. Telus Health Babylon collects personal health data. Has access to Netcare. And undoubtedly access to caches of personal data scraped from social media and economic activity.
The Canada COVid app doesn’t share personal data. That could mess up the data scraping capacity for Telus and impact their business plan.

It would also alert the public to COVid positive people & possibly reveal the lack of govt attention to COVid as a public health emergency.
UCP is wiping out universal healthcare. Universal health care coverage means entirely something different than universal care. All people will have available healthcare. But those with means will have better healthcare coverage provided by their employer and co-paid by employees.
Provided by physicians and specialists more than happy to make whacks of money for limited investment of their time.

Accountability will be to employers, not the government. It’s a perk provided to their employees, not a government service. So taxes will be lowered.
This is a libertarian utopia. Those with the means reserve the best care for themselves. Those with jobs are monitored to ensure they stay healthy and can produce at consistent and reduced risk levels. Insurance companies make decisions in their best interests regarding costs.
Everybody has reduced taxes and can use their extra cash to purchase the level of care they can afford.

The poor and indigent receive basic care. And do not cost much because treatment isn’t included. Get a job.
All provided by physicians and specialists willing to compromise principles to privatize healthcare.

Physicians who went into medicine to actually help people, regardless of their income or social status aren’t wanted or required.
So it will be insurance companies that pay for the cost of prescription medications using the parameters set out by employers. Outpatient medications are just the beginning. Soon all medication will need to be approved & vetted by insurance companies who employ non medical staff.
Who needs physicians when the average middle income earner will be more than happy to deny treatments and drug costs, long term illness coverage and sick days.

This is the Alberta UCP envisions.
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