tw // death, rape, hostage etc.

two muslim women were stabbed to death under the eiffel tower less than a week ago, nobody is talking about this. nothing. if the roles were switched, you’d be seeing articles all over the world about two muslim terrorists in paris. +
how does barely anyone know about this? they were , stabbed for wearing a headscarf. muslims in china are in concentration camps in china. over half of them are chinese, their OWN COUNTRY is doing this to them, forcing muslims to eat pork, drink wine, raping them +
and their children, separating mothers from their family, ripping their nails off, ripping their books and quran. iranian women are being ABUSED by men, the whole country is misogynistic and sexist, women are beaten up on the streets, raped and taken to be killed+
and can’t do ANYTHING. muslims in india are being hunted, violence rates against them are getting higher as it typing this. help. don’t be silent. spread the word. just one button. retweet this.
islamic relief donation to help refugees in palestine:

sorry i put the tw wrong so i’ll put it again so this tweet will be muted for those who wish not to see tweets with content like this
tw // rape , death , stab , stabbing , hostage , killed , etc.
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