american oomfs I have questions pls answer??
do yall really have police at your schools??
what do u even eat everyday?? we have healthy family meals here what do yall have? burgers?
do u get as badly bullied as they portray online? d
is kpop well known by everyone??
I've met so many American left leaning people, how did trump win in 2016?
is owning a house really that expensive??
do those high school tropes in movies really exist?
do yall really only speak English?
have u ever run into a celebrity?
is the transition between school and college really that important??
is it more normal to move around or grow up in one place??
how common is divorce?
cw // drugs and alcohol
do yall party in high school?? like w drugs and stuff
is drinking in high school and college normalised?
how strict are the drunk driving rules?
can yall really get a license at 16
how common are scooters??
tw // nsfw
does everyone lose their virginity in high school or is that a movie thing
do you send nudes and is it normal for them to leak
do yall really get kicked out of home at 18??
how would you say your life would change from when you're 17 and when you're 18
do you guys have your own credit/debit cards??
cw // xenophobia, racism
how extreme is the casual xenophobia??
do people use racial slurs in their daily vocabulary?
does casteism exist??
do people get bullied for being Asian, South Asian or black??
what would you say is the white people to poc ratio??
to you, does White passing give a person privilege??
do a lot of people just don't vote?
how politically aware would you say people around you are??
how many people would u say are vegetarian or vegan??
do you have people from other religions or are there mainly Christians??
is Christmas that big of a deal to you??
do people get bullied for their accents?
do people pick on the way people look?
how hard is it to get therapy?
do u think trump will win
what exactly is prom and homecoming?
I'll add to this in a bit I have a some more questions hehe
yall use toilet paper? don't you guys have bidgets??
this is for the people w periods but do u use tampons or pads??
how many days off do u get from school?
how many festivals do u celebrate?
can you just not go to school or do u have a minimum attendance to pass your school year?
how much sugar do u consume in a day
do you really go to Starbucks that often?
how much money would u say you spend in a day?
how cold is really cold for you and how warm is really warm??
how much independence / freedom do you have to do what you want?
non binary people, how often do you get misgendered?
how accepting is it for lgbtq+ people?
at what age are you 'supposed to get married'
do you want 'the American dream'
can you sleep over at your s/o's place?
do u have to hide ur relationships from your parents?
what is a homeroom??
does your power go off a lot??
why does literally everyone own apple products??
do you donate to charities? if so, which ones and what do they stand for?
did you go to the blm protests and how many people were there??
do you have to hide relationships from your parents??
would you say people are aware of the history of poc especially indigenous people??
how biased is the history you learnt in school??
do people get cat called on the street??
is healthcare that expensive??
what taxes do you pay at your stage in life rn??
does everyone own an air conditioner?
how much Indian food do you get??
I think I'm done for now but follow me omg let's be besties
yall gave me a hit tweet I'll cry stream my jisoo fc
stream oomfs fc
here's a carrd about what's going on in Poland with abortion rights 
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