. @NBCJoshua Illegal, not medical, #opioid use fuels ODs, which have risen exponentially since at least 1979, predating more liberal prescribing patterns. Addiction & use aren't rising: people are taking increasingly lethal drugs & combinations of drugs. /thread
. @TheWeekMSNBC "Overprescription" isn't "fueling the OD crisis." @AmericanCancer says #addiction in medical use is "very rare." #CDC Guideline is based on an average 96% unremarkable use; 4% includes nonaddictive misuse & long use. Large studies put addiction rate under 1%. 2/
Canada's Guideline: 96.7% unremarkable use; 3.3% includes nonaddictive misuse & abuse, in keeping w/ #CDC's Guideline. Brat et al. found a 99.4% rate of unremarkable use in more than 1 million post-op opioid scripts. 0.6% included people who refilled their scripts (BMJ 2018). 3/
Ciesielski et al. found a rate of 99.7% non-addictive use & identified readily available information that can be used to predict the likelihood of abuse (American Journal of Med 2016). (Direct links at end of thread.) 4/
By its own admission, #CDC never had solid evidence that reducing prescription #opioids would reduce ODs. See Guideline Table 1: Grading of evidence. Read the column "Limitations." 5/ https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/rr/rr6501e1.htm?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fmmwr%2Fvolumes%2F65%2Frr%2Frr6501e1er.htm#T1_down
In the 2018 study linked above, #CDC researchers identified OD as the outcome “of greatest interest to public health." You'll find their admission that reductions in #opioid scripts were followed by increases in ODs at the end of the 8th paragraph in the Discussion. 7/
0.1 to 0.2%: Multiple studies & national guidelines find the same risk of OD to prescribed #opioids: one-tenth to two-tenths of 1% (Canada 2017).

300% = Increased risk of OD from dose variability of 30%, which is common in tapers & forced discontinuation (Glanz, JAMA 2019).
✔️Rx #opioid limits don't protect people w/ #addiction from OD to illegal drugs, & they increase OD & suicide in people w/ #pain. Doctors should determine risk/benefit for individuals. Lawmakers & insurers should let them do their jobs. Factsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSfZnX-PaQh_cJLQC_RgNjxm0T7EgzaxGlTg36LxVtjnRWp3uv8IDjSBqQt1sTt8OquDd7R6k5-KCj_/pub
Thanks to @NBCJoshua for noting that #ChronicPain patients have a "legitimate need" for rx #opiods. If @TheWeekMSNBC would cover the story from the perspective of people w/ #pain, we'll happily provide contacts for interviews & additional info. See thread above-- @JillPiggott
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