My opponent pulled a gun on his first wife & fired it, pressured her and a mistress into three abortions, & illegally prescribed pills to a patient he was sleeping with.

Me? I didn't do any of that.

I'll give you health care though.

Chip in right away.
Google it. It’s all real.

Then give to my campaign so that we can beat DesJarlais like a drum on November 3. 
He claims he’s pro-life.

Ask his ex-wife. Ask his mistresses. Ask over a million of Tennesseans without rural hoispitals and living wages, and they’ll tell you:

Scott DesJarlais ain’t pro-life.
COVID-19 endorsed DesJarlais voted against giving Tennesseans free virus tests, the small business tax credits, and paid sick leave and skipped a vote to give Tennesseans extended unemployment benefits.
You can follow @chrisjollyhale.
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