tw : future, absence of one, failure in life. other related
you know. im always worried about growing up and not being able to live correctly. not being good at anything or whatever. none of that matters yet. the only shit that should matter is turkish star wars or something.
all of my mutuals are people who you know, are actually talented, good at things I want to be, have a living or talent they could live off of. they always tweet about this stuff and this puts a lot of jealousy and pressure on me. but whatever, ill probably be able to live anyway
you can still live anyway even if you're not very good at the stuff you want to be at. hell youll probably be good at that thing later. idk where im going cause I felt ok for one second.
ill probably be able to live with my brothers and stuff. ill probably be able to live. I need to try and just stop using this site. I want to tweet about things that are cool like the same shit I tweet about all the time like cool movies or something. (continued)
but holy shit I need to stop reading this fuck of a timeline. I need to learn how to stop using this site. use it to idk what I did when I was younger just do the same things but without this.
the only way I could take a hiatus is it being at a random time with no announcement. with one gives pressure. the only real issue in my life from a normal perspective is school. (school continued in next tweets)
school is the number one stress of me. im always scared of failing and then never having a future or something. ive grown up way too fucking early and that's my issue. im scared of everything.
anyway, nothing matters. try to exist. you know, I don't really need anything. just get a car, drive forever. walk forever. you find shit that actually matters that way. my mood shifted in every tweet but im tweeting them cause that's how I felt. this thread doesn't matter either
I think getting to this point where there isn't many real stakes and I could feel ok is the place I want to be. honestly, its right there. but my brain prevents it from being here.
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