If the Yellow Rose choose you, this is your spread.
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Yellow Rose: Enthusiasm & Friendship

“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend my world.”

—Leo Buscaglia
When I look at this pile, I’m seeing that you may not understand where the ending ceases and where a new beginning ushers in. Those who chose this pile have done so much work in regards to understanding that they are valuable. Now, the trick is applying valor to vigor.
Between a rock and a hard place is where you find yourself right now. While you may be tempted, now is not the time to fold on yourself. This pile has accumulated so much knowledge in the way that they relate to people, in the ways that they don’t.
If this does not resonate for you yet, it should assure you that you are well on your way to mastering the art of detachment. It isn’t as simple as people make it out to be, it demands a lot discipline to know when to see the exit signs in your life and continue forward.
Discipline as in not picking up your phone, unblocking and calling that person who can’t even admit what they did wrong. Discipline as in letting your losses be your gains. Discipline as in letting go of control, refusing to internalize what people think of you.
Discipline as in realizing that you don’t have to give everybody who is begging for a reaction exactly what they want. Discipline is a virtue that requires you to be aware of who you want to be, where you want to be and who deserves to be beside you when you’re finally there.
I think what you’re going to struggle with is the grief that comes with knowing that when you close certain doors, they are closed forever. There is an acceptance that is ultimately a catalyst for you if you don’t feel as secure within yourself as you once were.
Here is what nobody tells you about life: You will not have it together all the time. You will not always feel secure within yourself. Sometimes, you will want to jump out of your skin—Because you'd rather be anybody else but you. Make peace with it.
And so you have to learn how to separate your feelings from things you have not experienced yet. This is an exercise in discipline as well--it's very easy to let the what if's burden you and leave you in a state of who you were once. Stop being so hard on yourself.
You never had a straight shot, so why would you believe you would have a straight shot now? This is not to discourage you, but to make you aware that you belong and you deserve to understand your every doubt and fear—Those of which cannot hurt you now. They’re not real.
You will soon find out that you can trust your judgement and especially your intuition. You may not understand immediately because the endgame is not being revealed to you so easily. This is one step at a time—You must master patience.
What you face in the coming weeks is conflict in regards to getting past your pride of being afraid to lean on other people for support. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you cannot do it all by yourself.
This is a warning: if you try to do this all by yourself, you will collapse. This battle is about you versus you, your habits, your ego, your self-sabotage that set you back, but you can’t see it because your own behaviors are in your blindspot.
Your fear of being a burden is not going to lead you into emotional stability, it’s not going to allow you visceral clarity. It is going to cause you to repeat patterns that should’ve died a long time ago.
Closed mouths don’t get fed. You just become resentful of yourself and others. You become resentful of everything you can’t do by yourself. You hold shame at your throat like a knife.
And why do you hold so much shame and guilt for what didn’t work out? When are you going to understand that these things were never going to work out? When are you go’s time to live again in ways that you haven’here? Wake up.
It’s time to live again in ways that you haven’t lived before.

The most painful thing some of you will grieve is time.

Now you know how important it is. Now you won’t waste it.
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