[THEORY 2.1]

“But witches, werewolves and bats don’t burn in the sun so why did they burn at the end?”

And here comes the theory where I concluded that it is possible for them to be a Vampire from the Romanian Folklore, the Strigois.
Here’s the information which I’ve found regarding the Strigois. They are of real origins according to the Romanians and is actually the basis and the start of “Vampires suck blood”.
If my research is correct, Strigois are the basis of Bram Stoker, to create the very popular, “Count Dracula”
Now, how come the boys are strigois? Here’s why.

I won’t be able to tell every part about the boys btw. But just some hints as to why they are Strigoi Vampires.
As a starter, Strigois usually hunt during the Dusk ‘til dawn.

Dusk - Dawn is the name of trailer 2.
In my [THEORY 2] I mentioned Jay as a witch.

Here’s what I found.
Prefers to dwell in the dark forest and shun themselves to sunlight.

The reason why I think they aren’t burning up is because this is during the dawn, although there’s sunlight, it’s effect is not so much.
“Then what about the others?”

I’ve mentioned that Sunoo is a bat and Sunghoon is a werewolf? Yes, Strigois are actually capable of shape-shifting.

Here’s Sunghoon showing off his fangs but shows signs of changing into a werewolf when he removed his clothes.
Sunoo is a bat? He is a strigoi capable of having what a bat can do.
Info check?

Strigois can transform into one!
Heeseung and Jake showed signs of vampiric abilities already.
Now Ni-ki may be a different one.

Hooh-Strah-Dooh ?
Is Jungwon still a human? Possibly! AS we have seen these clips, it is possible that he is a mortal.
But, it is possible that he isnt either. Strigois can transform a human into one of them by simply biting. There’s many processes actually.
Which leads as to why they’re burning at dawn. Strigois tend to hide during dawn already.
Given - Taken

Strigois are made. It is possible that they lost their humanity by another strigoi and passed it down to others.
Strigois are connected to November 30th!!
Another mention of “dawn”
So yes! This would explain how they’re different but still burned during dawn.

Only a theory.
I made a typo on Jays part!!! It should be “Dusk” not “Dawn”!!

Dusk sunlight isn’t strong since the sun is about to set.
A lot were saying last night and on other theories that if some of the boys are indeed different creatures, why did they burn at the end then?

That’s why I made a research on vampires and found out that Strigois can transform into a werewolf, bat, they can possibly be a witch+
and they still burn at the sun! Their huntings also start at Dusk and ends with Dawn. Which is likelier than my other theory.
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