Rig Ved 1.33.15

Here Indra means Parmatma and his Vajra stands for Maya. This Maya is the Creator of this Universe. The axis stand for inner inclinations. The spikes denote our वृति (inner inclinations),

who are like Vritrasur. These three types of Vritti( Raj, Satva and Tam) are the reason for our happiness and sorrow. Here Parmatma has been upsurged. When you upsurge this as per your will then all his qualities too shall come with it. Once the Jeev Surrenders to Parmatma,

all his difficulties go and he becomes secure.

इंद्रो॑ या॒तोऽव॑सितस्य॒ राजा॒ शम॑स्य च शृं॒गिणो॒ वज्र॑बाहुः ।
सेदु॒ राजा॑ क्षयति चर्षणी॒नाम॒रान्न ने॒मिः परि॒ ता ब॑भूव ॥


इन्द्रः - Indra.

यातः - Movable.

अवसितस्य - Immovable.

राजा -King.

शमस्य च - Peaceful.

श्रृगिणः - Horns.

वज्रबाहुः - One carrying Vajra.

सः इत ऊ- That.

राजा - King.

क्षयति - To stay.

चर्षणीनाम् - For humans.

अरान् न - Axis and spindle of a chariot.

परि बूभव - Spread.

ता - Theirs.

Explanation:This mantra says that Hiranyastup rishi describes the Valour of Vajra wielding Indra. Indra destroyed the demon named AHI and thus was able to allow the rivers to flow. His glory then spread all over the world. The meaning of this mantra is that after

destroying Vritrasur Indra became the owner of all movable, immovable things,animals with & without horns. He then carried everyone & everything into his shelter like the spikes inside the wheel's axis.

Deep meaning:- Here Indra means Parmatma and his Vajra stands for Maya.

This Maya is the Creator of this Universe. The axis stand for inner inclinations. The spikes denote our वृति (Inner inclinations), who are like Vritrasur. These 3 types of Vritti( Raj, Satva & Tam) are the reason for our happiness and sorrow. Here Parmatma has been upsurged.

When you upsurge this as per your will then all his qualities too shall come with it. Once the Jeev Surrenders to Parmatma, all his difficulties go and he becomes secure.

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