Your mother was a woman. I could say this to any one of the 7.8 billion people on earth and it would always be true, without exception. It is not unreasonable to have a word to describe these 3.9 billion human beings, or for them to organise socially or politically on this basis
Both of your parents were birthed by a woman. And their parents. And their parents, and their parents stretching back for 200k years without a single exception. Sex is an insanely robust categorisation system and is why we even exist as a species
It is INSANE that we are even having this stupid argument. Humans are sexually dimorphic, we are mammals, we are animals. You can't just make make up some bullshit and pretend it replaces reality. If you do, it is entirely reasonable for people to point out you're an idiot
Yes, some people are unhappy or even totally miserable about their sex. We should show compassion & try to help. It doesn't follow that we should pretend sex doesn't exist or change words about sex based reality that 99.9% of people intuitively understand
This is so fucking dumb it is embarrassing at the species level. 2020 would be slightly more bearable if, as a sexually dimorphic species, we could stop arguing about whether we're a sexually dimorphic species. Please can we just stop?
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