okay I'm gonna escalate the chaos
those of you who live alone
what horrible snacks have you come up with because you can simply do whatever you want in your home and no one can judge you
I'll go first: dipping cucumber in kewpie mayonnaise
yesterday I wanted to make guac but id already mashed the avocado by the time I realized I had no more limes. So I put a pinch of salt and then a FUCKTON of nutritional yeast in the avocado and mixed it up and you know what it was really good???
my worst crime was probably.......
I bought a jar of marmite bc I wanted to try it and the snack I came up with to get through the whole jar was get a slice of sourdough bread, spread marmite thinly, and then thickly spread plain greek yogurt on top. I still crave it sometimes
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