Dear @BetaEtaDelota, and everyone.. involved in the recent 'stuff' that's been happening. I am making this thread to hopefully clear things up. I am making these tweets with sincerity and without venom. If you take your time to read all this, thank you, as this concerns many
misconceptions that have been floating around. Beta, I hope you understand where I am coming from. I have noticed that many people who point fingers at "trump-supporters" don't understand that many of us aren't actually.. trump-supporters and we chose our vote because we believe
that Trump is the lesser of two evils, and were NOT happy with the decision that we felt we needed to make. Trump says a lot of stupid shit. Anyone can see that, conservative or liberal. Many people who voted for Trump do NOT agree with everything he says. I whole-heartedly
believe the LGBTQ community, and POC community, ect. absolutely have and deserve a place in America and the furry fandom. Everything that Trump says or does, does NOT reflect his voters. We simply did not agree with Biden, and did not want him as President. Us furries seek
acceptance and belonging in the furry fandom because it has such a wide variety of people, and how loving our community is. Obviously, though, we've hit a rough patch. America has hit a rough patch. What I am asking is for EVERYONE to look past votes and understand everything
is not what immediately meets the eye. We are one in this fandom. Everyone is so riled up because everything that's on Twitter is so 2-D! We can't actually know who we're talking to and why they tweet the things they do. I hope my message can get across what I'm trying to say.
What I'm getting at in a nutshell is- don't make immediate judgments. You can't immediately tell who someone is simply by a VOTE. We don't know the reasoning behind it, and I believe it is impossible to completely convey why we made the decisions we did through Tweets.
@BetaEtaDelota -this is to you. This is why I, and so many of us "right-leaners" were upset about your tweet yesterday. Many, many of us, liberals, conservatives, FURRIES really love your content and respect you because you add so much to our beloved fandom. We think you're cool
we love you, we respect you. As you know many furries take being a furry extremely personal and serious and see the furry fandom as a HUGE and crucial part of our lives.. and when we see a 'popufur' - someone we love, suddenly infer some of us shouldn't be a part of something
we love and feel deeply connected to, hurts. It's shocking and heartbreaking. Beta, I hope you understand. A lot of us really respect the content you give us and the creativity you share with the fandom. I hope you understand I made this thread to clear things up for all of us
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