Alright I wanna share something with you I wish I would’ve known earlier about learning. If you feel like your art (or whatever skill) isn’t improving, maybe this is something you could try:
(Only works for me medicated)
For years I was trying to improve my drawing but for some reason, nothing really stuck. I just kept making the same mistakes over and over, as if I hadn’t learned much at all. Most of the time, it felt like my brain just refused to let any info in.
So I asked my artist friends over and over how they approached learning, what their mentality was etc. .They told me “you have to ask yourself what you want to learn”. And I thought “Ok? But I always think, my brain is constantly just thinking about art”
I kept asking what they meant and one day it hit me. They didn’t mean that constant stream of random thoughts or the thoughts that are always in my head at hyper speeds. What they did was narrate and analyze exactly what they were seeing, for example:
“Okay so, the model is standing on the right leg, that means the weight will be on there, that means there will be most tension. A way to draw tension is straighter lines”. This way of saying your thoughts out loud but inside your head was out of my mental capacity.
I was only able to learn to have this controlled, analytical voice in my head at the same time as actually drawing and looking at the model after I started taking medication. It really hurt my brain to get used to that and took so much effort to blend out the random thoughts.
Now that I’ve learned to do it, I can do it a little better off medication, but it’s hard because my memory is affected pretty badly. The closest I can come to this without medication is when I do a lot of exercise.
I’m not sure if that helps anyone or if that’s just me being weird - and I feel bad sharing tips that I can only pull off medicated :/ - but maybe it helps someone to know that with ADHD, your controlled internal voice is affected.
I can really suggest the books by @drhallowell and Dr. Russel Barkley for this topic, they go into it a lot deeper than I ever could, they also offer great coping strategies 🐶
You can follow @ADHD_Alien.
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