If you live in California, you'll likely be affected, or know someone who will be affected by the wind event that's starting Sunday. Folks are referring to it as a "hair dryer" event due to the affect it will have on the dryness of fuel sources. So before tomorrow: make a list.
A list for if you're in fire prone areas:
A) is your driveway clear of debris.
B) ensure you know how to use your car garage in case of power outage.
C) map out at least two evacuation paths to a major road
D) what medications do you need to survive, bring them.
E) you'll need documentation. Bring critical documents with you, in a fire resistant container if possible.
F) prepare pet transportation containers and food. If you're in a particularly sensitive area, pre-crate your animals.
G) clothes: pack for a week
H) if you have external batteries to charge devices, ensure they're charged.
I) ensure that someone you trust knows about your evacuation plans, and where you'll go if they fall through.

This isn't an exhaustive list,just a good starting point for what may be a rough couple days
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