Not fully grown ass adults not understanding screen readers can't read fancy fonts 🙆

I understand it's an aesthetic, but some people have certain disabilities that don't alliw them to SEE what's been tweeted so they need screen readers to help them.
Ngl I've always hated fancy font not because it's bad but my Android using ass can't see what people tweet either. Many androids convert fancy fonts into emoty boxes.

You expect me to reply to an RP full of boxes? Some may suggest to get a better phone, BUT I'M BROKE!
And some people dare say "I have a disability too, but I can read fancy font"

No shit, honey. Not all disabilities are the same. Someone may be blind and needs the aid of a screen reader whereas another person may be unable to walk and needs the help of a wheelchair.

Not only that, people can be visually impared DIFFERENTLY. I require glasses to see, some people can't see anything, some people can see very little. ALL DISABILITIES CANNOT BE PUSHED INTO THE SAME CATEGORY.
If you're stubborn and just wanna keep your fancy font, I feel like you're trying to hide the fact you suck at RP by hiding behind fonts. That's some clownery right there.

If you can write a good thread, you don't need fancy fonts
As an RPer, our priority should be to create a wonderful story whether it is alone (solos) or with the help of others. And, of course, have fun.

If all you care about is fancy font and aesthetically pleasing profiles, can you call yourself a TwitRPer?

Food for thought.
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