Promised Neverland is so fucking good it made me ship *straight people*

(Or, assumed str8 until proven other-bi's)
Emma: I want to escape with everyone.

Ray: Norman, tell her that can't happen.

Norman: **drinking from his "Emma Said So" mug** ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Emma: Norman said my plan is possible.

Ray: But its not.

Emma: But Norman said-

Ray: Please be reasonable for once-

Emma, grabbing his face: Norman. Said.
Ray: Do you really think we can escape with everyone? _Even_ the babies? Its not a good idea.

Norman: Hm. I do have doubts. So, it looks like its, **turns around, the back of his sweater reads "Time For Emma's Opinion"**


Ray: Isn't she supposed to be wearing that?
Ray: I love you guys so much, I don't want you to die.

Emma: None of us are going to die.

Ray: Yes, exactly, neither of you are going to die.

Norman: And neither are you, Ray

Ray: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that
Ray: I need you to lie to Emma.

Norman: **whips out a squirt bottle labeled "Respect Emma Juice" and squirts Ray in the face**
Poor Ray, hes taken himself to the shed and back trying to keep this Power Couple alive and they're not letting him do things how he wanted them to be done and he cannot cope with the idea of living past the age of twelve.
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