why people with periods should consider using a menstrual cup (made by a menstrual cup user); an informative thread
i'm making this thread because i feel like a lot of people don't know much about menstrual cups and there's a lot of stigma. first i want to explain what a menstrual cup is and how to use it.
a menstrual cup is a small, flexible silicone or latex rubber cup that is used by inserting it into the vagina to collect blood during the menstrual cycle rather than a tanpon/pad.
you use a menstrual cup by folding it (using a folding technique that is most comfortable for you) & inserting it much like you would a tampon. when it is inserted and you are sure that it has opened inside of you, you're good to go!!
i would also like to add here that a menstrual cup is designed to be very comfortable and when inserted correctly you shouldn't even be able to feel it!! it also cannot get lost inside of you :)
on an average flow, you should only have to change your cup twice a day. once when you wake up and once when you go to bed. this is because cups take up the same amount of blood of as 2-4 tampons!!
to remove your cup you simply pinch it inside you, creating a suction, and gently ease it out. when it's out, you empty your blood into the toilet, walk to your sink to rinse out the blood in cold water, and then reinsert it!
i would also like to point out how low risk menstrual cups are. a lot of the menstruators that fear toxic shock syndrome will be happy to hear that there has only been one reported tss case from a menstrual cup ever!!
so now that we've got all the mechanics out of the way, let's talk about what makes menstrual cups great for your pocket and the planet!!
a report from 2017 showed that the average menstruator spends $50-$200 a year on disposable period products. a menstrual cup can range from $6-$60 and can last up to 10 whole years which saves you over $1,000 a year!!
my personal favorite thing about menstrual cups is that they're reusable!! pads, tampons, and pantyliners along with their packaging produce 200,000 tons of wastes PER YEAR. menstrual cups are zero waste!!
and well that's about it!!
in conclusion menstrual cups are easy to use, less hassle, cheaper, and better for the planet so please consider using them!!
if you have any questions at all please dm me or reply and i will get back to you as fast as i can!! another fantastic resource is @putacupinit, they have an amazing youtube channel and website that can help you with just about any question you have!!
thank you so so much for reading this far if you have and i hope you have an amazing day :)
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