This is a thread of the people, many of whom are adults, who bullied a 15 year old off Twitter for one joke
Context: @coolio32124 was a smaller politics account on here. He was 15 years old and posted semi-regularily.
There is a separate account who posted the above status as a joke. You can argue that such jokes are dumb and ill-informed, but let me be clear when I say I know this person is no nazi.
Coolio responded, continuing the joke, with "based," aware that this was a bit. Again, you can argue this was a stupid thing to do. However, the response was TOTALLY disproportionate to him saying this one word.
This (i believe) was the first callout post. @/kimilsungist, who is an adult, posted this.
The reasonable thing for them to do here would have been to ignore it, or maybe DM him telling him to not make such jokes in a private setting, not put him on blast in front of everyone without not knowing context
It gets worse. Here's @/aabbyyyyyyyyyyy calling him a POS and demanding her followers unfollow him
The replies here are horrible. Here, @/postcuntivist actively encourages doxxing him, and adds an implied death threat. When @thumblesteen (follow him, one of the best people on twitter) calls her on this, aabbyyyyyyyyyyy doubles down.
Here, @/FILTHYC0MMIE sees that this campaign bullied A MINOR off of Twitter and celebrates
Here, @/vampmotel finds an even more obvious joke and calls him a nazi for it
And, icing on the cake, @socialistshane SENDS A DEATH THREAT. A 22 year old sent a death threat to a 15 year old and thought that was morally right
I'll make a reflection on this and my thoughts on this culture as a whole, but I'm pissed about this and just wanted to call out these losers for today.
Just saw this, JFC what is wrong with these people
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