Curious of why #OnlyStrands is trending??

Well then you nedd to meet @Corpse_Husband!! đź–¤

Here's a thread to help you out 👇
Recently he has started playing Among Us with a lot of different streamers and has started streaming every now and then too!

Here's his playlist of past streams!

Here is his Youtube Channel for Music!!

He recently posted a song named Agoraphobic which I highly recommend you to listen to!

Since he is a faceless youtuber, when he posted a video of his (beautiful) hand on TikTok people went NUTS!!

Then he posted a pic of his hand to thank us for 100K and we trended the hashtag #OnlyHands for a long time!

Now, he posted a strand of his hair to thank us for 1M followers on Instagram and we are trending #OnlyStrands! 
If you got interested in him, join us in this crazy ride of building a fanbase for this amazing and humble man!

(Sorry for any typos, love you all đź–¤)

You can follow @CorpseClips.
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