9. are u proud of who u’re becoming?
10. is ur family good with ur sexuality? (remember u’re valid)
11. how’s ur mental health right now?
12. do you hate someone?
13. do u think u have a good relationship with ur family?
14. if u could say something to someone rn, what would u say?
15. how important do u consider gastronomy when choosing a trip?
16. do u think ur acc is a flop?
17. do u have more internet friends or irl ones?
18. who are ur virtual best friends ?
19. if u could be in one place rn, where would u be?
20. what’s ur dream work?
21. any big dream?
22. who do u consider inspiring?
23. What do u say when u look at yourself on the mirror?
24. do u think u reached the point of saying “i love myself”?
25. are u a negative or positive person?
26. do u think u will have someone that will truly love u someday?
27. if u could say something to ur younger self what would u say and why
28. favorite artists?
29. favorite song?
30. are u still on school or other?
31. do u think u are a matured person or u are not sure?
32. are u sensitive to certain things?
33. is there something that annoys u on social media?
34. if u could be an artist for a day, what would u do?
35. when u hear the word “LOVE” what does that remind u?
36. do u have any phobias?
37. do you have any pets?
38. do you think more about the future than the present?
39. are u a religious person?
40. do u trust yourself?
41. boots or shoes?
42. top or dress?
43. t-shirt or sweatshirt?
44. movies or series?
45. comedy or romance?
46. listening to music or singing ?
47. ur fav tv show when u were a kid?
48. any regrets about this year?
49. is ur birthday coming?
50. are u an open person or close one?
51. have u ever doubt of yourself?
52. have u ever said “i love you” to someone u didn’t loved?
53. do u think any of ur moots has a crush on u?
54. be honest, have u ever liked a moot?
55. cold or hot?
56. sun or moon?
57. what do people usually assume about u?
58. do u usually feel guilty for things that are not of ur business?
59. would u say u’re a person that make people happy?
60. who makes u happy?
61. do u have a comfort song? or artist?
62. what does “home” means to u?
63. do u believe in faith?
64. do u believe in “true love”? (between two persons)
65. is there someone that made u realize something important?
66. Did u ever got into a situation that was so embarrassing that u can’t forget?
67. when was one of the most memorable moments for u? and why?
69. u prefer to be at home or go out?
70. do u drink coffee?
71. is there a country that u really wanna visit?
72. how many languages u wanna speak? and why?
73. do u like history?
74. white or black?
75. do u use TikTok?
76. do u know what http://musica.ly  was?
77. what about Vine?
78. are u comfortable talking to older people?
79. ur favorite color?
80. ur favorite number?
81. is there anything that is annoying u right now?
82. what do u think about fake people?
83. are u excited for something?
84. why did u installed twt?
85. when u hear “cringe” on what do u think about?
86. do u think someone cares about u?
87. what’s ur opinion about the “milk first” or “cereal first”?
88. do u have any siblings?
89. have u ever liked someone for a day?
90. what do u do when u’re bored?
91. what do u think about “get cancelled”,do u agree with it?
92. is there something u want one of ur followers to know?
93. what app do u most use?
94. what do u think about destiny?
95. do u play any instrument?
96. do u have a fav acc here on twt?
97. ur opinion about koreanboos?
98. what do u think about the haters of kpop?
99. do u like to do something that people think it’s weird?
100. are u capable to move ur tongue like many people can?
101. do u think u can sing?
102. opinions about makeup?
103. sweet or salty?
104. meat or chicken?
105. is there something that disturbs u that people usually do to u?
106. when was the last time u hugged someone?
107. when was the last tike u said “i love you”
108. have u ever kissed someone?
109. do u regret meeting someone?
110. are u possessive?
111. what do u most love on urself?
112. have u ever went to a karaoke bar?
113. have u ever been in a really awkward situation?
114. If yes, how was it?
115. have u ever tripped to other country?
116. if u’ve tripped, where did u went?
117. is English ur first language?
118. shorts or pants?
119. what do u think about ur style?
120. do u eat too much or u don’t eat much?
121. do u like to draw?
122. winter or summer?
123. do u think people think u’re boring?
124. are u good at talking?
125. are u the smart kid or the “at least i can pass with this” kid?😼
126. why are u doing this thread?
127. apple or samsung?
128. do u think u’re broke?
129. are u a good cooker?
130. do u usually burn food?
131. do u have a message for ur older version?
132. do u have anything to say to me?
133. are u gonna try to be happy?
134. if I say that i care and that I love you would u believe me?
134. a word to describe this thread?
135. a music that makes u reflect about life?
136. do u have someone to text whenever u’re down? (If u say “no” i will run to slap u,cuz I’m here)😌
137. do u usually use perfum?
138. what do u most dislike on ur country?
139. do u read often?
140. are u grateful for something or someone?
141. Tag here the people who makes u the happiest on this bird app
Thank u and please talk to me whenever u need 🤍 im here for u
Hope we can be friends 🤍 I love you https://twitter.com/themoodme/status/1319989917079031809
You can follow @themoodme.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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