“If we as an Afrikan people today want to measure the distance to the height from which have fallen we need not go further than the great city of Waset”- C. Williams. The Greeks came called it the City of a hundred gates. See thread for all the great Afrikan rulers who built it.
Beginning with this Wasetian King Amenemhet I of the 12th Dynasty.
Neb Pehte Ra Ahmose I who made Waset the Capital Of Kemt.
Khnemt Amen Maat Ka Ra Hatshepsut of the 18th Dynasty. In Ipet Isut lies her chapel, and her Tekenu.
User Maat Ra Setepen Ra Ramesu Meriamen of the 19th Dynasty.
User Maat Ra Setepen Ra Ramesu Meriamen of the 19th Dynasty.
Seti I of the 19th Dynasty.
And last but not least; Taharka of the 25th Dynasty. The Dynasty that rescued Kemt from foreign invasion and restored Maat to the throne. Know thyself, remember your ancestors. Asé 🙌🏿
The last legitimate rulers of Kemt was the 25th Dynasty from Kush in the South, that’s because the pharaonic order originated in the South. The Southerners often brought restoration after barbarians from the North invaded and destabilized the Order; Maat! https://twitter.com/lumekaaveknew/status/1141812092707713024
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