The fact when I was in care, I had to choose between being gay and having my family .. I obviously choose the be me, myself option! even tho sadly it meant not having my family but the best thing was coming out in care and having that support! and was able to choose my own family
and creating memories, being myself, loved for who I am and accepted! and not judged, I remember as we went to Wales for the first time and I was in the town centre and I kept saying as a joke "Imagine if I was gay" and they was like.. Owen its okay! and stopped me to look at
these pictures of a women and a man and I pointed at the man and brokedown in tears, but I knew I was gay at the age of 12.13, the reason why I mostly got put into care but it took me ages to find who I am, and finding the right person to trust and it was so hard moving place to
place in care, and each time I just wanted someone to love and to be able to be myself but 6 years later.. I was able to say IM GAY AND PROUD! and my carers at the time took me straight to the gay bar, and bought me a shandy! and I felt so welcome, loved! all them years hiding
and being neglected, For this! And I will always be grateful for that time, but when I left care I moved back to my own hometown but fled to Scarborough to be safe, be myself and start a fresh life as My family wanted to kill/hurt me for choosing being gay over them! BUT the best
thing after through that Im now living on my own and I get to choose my own family as a care leaver and having my worker, and to be able to come on here and share thisand be me plus do what I love which Im very grateful for and I kept fighting being resilient! having these people
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