Transmission of cases, in my opinion, should be categorised as primary & secondary sources.
Primary= Got Covid from specified source (e.g. a place/activity in community)
Secondary= Got Covid from a person in the home, who knew the primary source... (1)
The reason (I believe) it is important to categorise transmissions is because it may help public health/Govt when making decisions about lockdowns etc.
Why close sectors down that are doing okay OR why keep others open if doing poorly (e.g. schools)? (2)
As you can see above, it is very interesting that hospitality, retail, travel & sports activities all have a lower number of clusters/outbreaks than that of schools, healthcare & unspecified locations or workplaces. *Note-some sectors have only recently been added* (3)
This can obviously be a ‘chicken and egg’ situation. Transmissions in homes can be spread to the community if people do not self isolate/restrict movements. And vice versa. Of course, some may never know where they got if from (this is where the Covid tracker app can help)... (4)
Now, before anyone says there are only more cases in schools because more are tested, or because of false positives - please see the following data.
As of the 22nd Oct, for the first time this year, hospitalisations of children with Covid peaked - 57 so far this month 😞 (5)
We can also see the differences in cases in children between the 1st & 2nd periods of this pandemic (Mar-Jun + July-Oct) and also between schools (over capacity in classrooms); childcare (class:adult ratioed); and universities (many now online/well spaced classrooms) (6)
Remember, at the beginning of this pandemic, it took many many advocates, patients, carers, researchers & HCPs to plead with Govt to make nursing homes safer, people to wear masks etc. In my opinion, schools with current class sizes are not currently safe for pupils or staff (7)
I also don’t think all schools should close. Smaller class sizes may mean a reduced transmission. If parents are worried & want to keep kids home they should be able to do so, without guilt/ramifaction, but online resources need to be there for those temporarily absent too. (8)
If some children are schooling at home, class sizes automatically reduce to allow for 2metre distancing - the question is, would this make it safer for children and staff? I don’t know, but I do think it is a model worth trying. (9/9)

(Data directly from HPSC)
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