Books that formed my personality: a thread
Machiavelli's The Prince

A book I read when I was 5 or 6 from my dad's selection of books in his office.
Erin Colfer's Artemis Fowl

This book I read when I was like 8 and I spent the next 7 years reading the rest and progressively growing more disappointed with Artemis and Colfer as i read.
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This book, along with The Prince and Art of War, was in my dads office and something I read around the same age I started 2nd grade.

Unlike the others, I would hold onto the book for 9 years until a teacher took it from me in high school.
Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

This story i read just before starting middle school and I held on to it like you wouldn't believe.

I was Harrison Bergeron and in my childhood mind, I stood atop the world.

It would then tie into the next thing I read in 7th grade.
That book was Atlas Shrugged by Ann Rand, a novel I read religiously over the summer before 7th grade.

I won't tell you how that went as you can guess.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

I read this several times during 7th grade and loved it only to forget about it until the movie came out.
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

This book was one I read repeatedly over my childhood, in spurts compared to the Bible-like clutch I had with the 48 Laws of Power.

A few times during elementary, multiple times during 8th grade when I felt twitchy, and once in high school.
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