When a mind has become purified, its consciousness no longer experiences 'other' within its field..


Trauma leads to a conditioned relationship with a 'me-based-narrative', but the 'me' is an illusion.

When a mind is pure, its trauma has healed.
I'll unpack this more..

Ego death is painful..

But it is only painful to the 'me' that we had conceptualized and believed in, our entire lives..

We did all the me'ing, but to be optimal, the 'me' must dissipate back into the nothingness out of which is generated..

So if the ego, which is an illusion we must believe in, and our desire to believe IN it is only ever born from lack, which is ALWAYS AN ILLUSION, then how would we shift ourselves internally, to become the strongest versions of ourselves in this particular world?

To be optimal..
and the closest thing to Super Saiyan, in this life, one most go on to see silence within one's own consciousness..

Go within and seek your own ego

Eventually, consciouness will SEE (with the pineal gland/intuit) that there never was a 'me'

Yes, this is where life cranks up🔥
When consciousness becomes conscious of itself AS conscious experience, and recognizes that it is no longer 'Bob', you become invincible..

Of course, the body can die at any moment

But bc an illusion was finally seen and let go of, WITHIN you, you are internally invincible..
Vegeta isn't as powerful as Goku because he cannot stop thinking about the potential of being weaker than Goku..

In the past, he had been shocked by a realization that Goku was stronger than he, and that pain is still there.. never healed.. so he still experiences that trauma..
But what if Vegeta let those thoughts go?

What would have to happen, literally, within him?

He would have to see and feel the trauma, the caught energy, and let it heal..

Then? No 'other..

You become your only competition..

From there? Easy to see how we are all One..

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