Building wealth isn’t a one time event

You aren’t going to get wealthy because you invested money once, bought one rental property, bought one stock that pay dividends

You have to do it over & over & over & over & over

Building wealth is a way of life, not a one time event
I see people who are new to the stock market say “Oh I bought $100 of _____ back in April and now it’s only worth $135” what am I doing wrong?

First things thing it’s not a one time event

This is something you should be doing EVERY time you touch money
If you make $100 from doing hair, $30 of it needs to get invested

If you get a $2,300 check from your job, you’re investing $690 of it off top.

It’s automatic, it needs to be something you don’t even think about because you know you’re going to invest it
At the end of the year if you net $50,000 / year from your job you should be able to log into your brokerage account & see 20k +

You don’t invest only when you have a lump sum

Every time you touch money some gets invested

Investing has to become more automatic than shopping
When I post my dividend payouts people say “How much did you invest to get this”

Let’s say the answer is $20,000

It doesn’t mean I took $20,000 & dump it into it

$60 here, $100 there, $25 here, $1,000 there, $300 here, $80 there etc

Over and over and over and it adds up
People think stocks only go up or down, it’s not true, they go sideways too

So if you have $3k invested, a month later it’s still at $3k

a month after that it’s still at 3k

The next month it starts moving

You weren’t even adding to your position to make your gains bigger....
You BUILD positions, you aren’t just all in, one time, and watch it grow.

You add and add and add

Build positions man, building isn’t a one time event

The same way you don’t buy wood one time and have a house you don’t buy a stock and have wealth
People treat buying stocks like buying Christmas gifts.. a once a year event

You need to treat investing like buying food

Something you need to do often, daily or weekly, a necessity in life
I extended the sale for my Fort Knox Wealth Package today

50 more people can grab it for just $50

6 courses in total

Over 7.5 hours worth of wealth education from building brands, get products, to growing social media and courses on the stock market 
You can follow @CJ_Johnson17th.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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