ranking the “FROGGY FIVE”, the ruling council of all australian animals (a thread)
5) jack
- a classic frog
- cousin of thomas the tasmanian devil
only found in western areas of tasmania 😕
4) luke
- green tree frog (pog)
- larger than most frogs
- screams in danger to ward of foes 😯
- squeaks when touched 😳
- pretty eyes 🙏
3) ribic
- likes to live in wet sclerophyll forests (had to look up what sclerophyll meant 😐)
- bright green (unique, not like other frogs)
- eats insects 🤮🤮
2) william
- wanders around at night after heavy rain (real emotional guy)
- can jump long distances due to his strong legs 😏
- “William Wotjulum Frog” need i say more
1) BEN BAW BAW 😼🔥🔥
- endangered 😕
- a secretive gent
- can burrow below moss and earth with ease (using super-strength ofc)
- most famous member among the council 😎
- umm obviously he looks the coolest
[end of thread] thank you for coming to my ted talk 🧎‍♀️
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