Lets just have a show of hands, virtually. How many of you were aware the UK press and broadcasters (TV and radio) have been operating under what amounts to censorship which would have made Erich Honecker proud?

Just to cheer you up...I've so far asked 15 MPs and not a single.. https://twitter.com/MichaelYeadon3/status/1320069239559118849
...one had even heard of the Ofcom guidelines.
In the past, we would think of Ofcom as fluffy and mostly toothless. They might slap you if you said a rude word before 9pm. Now they've gone full Stasi. Allegedly, a big name broadcaster is ready to quit, citing censorship and...
...a growing awareness that thousands of men, women and children have been harmed and many have died, following a covid-19 strategy that is clearly wrong.
I invite that person to contact me. My proposal is, we hold hands and jump. I mean we do a two hander. You resign and tell...
....your loyal & trusting audience that you've been horribly mislead by the authorities who've increasingly censored the news and that you're sorry, but you cannot do it any more. Then I explain how SAGE, either through incompetence or malign reasons have lied to you all year.
You can follow @MichaelYeadon3.
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