Some advice to any individual who wants to start a career in tech but doesn't know where to begin.

What I would recommend you to study is Software Development. It has a lot of jobs and it's not a must you work for local companies only. You can do remote jobs, freelance, or become a tech content creator.
Software development is wide, ranging from mobile development, desktop development, web development, machine learning and AI, data structures and algorithms, data analysis and data mining, software design, game development, and many other fields.
To start with, you can choose a field of interest and start working towards your goals.
Every great software developer needs to master the art of programming.
If you don't know which language you should study, learn Python. It has an easy syntax and opens for you many opportunities to choose from. It has a huge community of developers and it's one of the most popular programming languages in 2020.
If you want to be a web developer, learn JavaScript. This is another very popular programming language in 2020. Initially, it was created to run on a browser but with the node.js runtime environment, JavaScript code can be executed on a server.
If you want to be an Android developer, learn kotlin.
If you want to be an IOS developer, learn swift.
If you want to be a cross-platform developer, learn dart and flutter.
If you want to do AI and machine learning, learn Python.
If you don't care about the field or language and just want to make money, learn Java. It's very popular in the development of enterprise applications.
If you want to be a game developer, learn unity and c#.
If you want to do data analysis, learn SQL and R programming.
If you have heard about WordPress and you're interested in it, learn PHP. WordPress is a content management system that powers 30% of the internet. There are many freelancing jobs on it. Learn how to create custom themes and templates and you can make a good harvest from it.
Great developers also don't really have to go to college. There are boot camps and tons of free resources online. You can find them with just a simple Google search. All you need is some internet connection and your passion to learn.
Check out these tech influencers, speakers and bloggers
Most software development job positions don't require someone with a degree, all they want is someone who can solve problems and bring a positive impact on their product.
So, focus on a programming language of choice, learn software development concepts, and start creating real world projects with it.
I hope this thread was helpful. Best of luck on your journey ❤
You can follow @ChaooCharles.
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