"But, why aren't people talking about this?"

One costar - a woman with nearly equal power - did. If the last few years has taught you well-meaning menfolk anything, it should be that harrassment rarely happens among people with equal leverage. Silence is bought with fear. https://twitter.com/xeni/status/1319999864629985286
"But someone should talk about it!"

You mean, like...him?

An interview he gave a couple of years ago just got replayed on a political podcast. In the middle of it, he makes a joke about sticking things up his ass, which is something his co-star said he wanted from her.
Transgressive comedy is created by people comfortable with making other people uncomfortable.

Enjoy it, in fact.

Not all of them are predators.

Some are.

Some will admit to it in the middle of an interview.
Their power, their success and their history of saying and doing shocking things means they will get away with it.
"Are all men garbage?"

Not at all.

But all men have, by virtue of their gender, more power than a woman with the same skin color.

Beneficiaries of a system are rarely excited to give power back.

And successful men are frequently successful because of their will.
If you got to a place of power because you are extremely good at manipulating people around you and because you take "No" as the start of the negotiation - a negotiation you already know you'll win- why on earth would you not assume that is the way to treat all interactions?
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