We're going to see absolutely massive daily case numbers over the next month. Fuck.
To be clear on what I'm WELPing about:

The 10/19 data was rising and had a pair of those extreme green and yellow points, with the other points around 110.

The next few days are all higher than the baseline of the previous days, and one orange point is even higher at 271.
This is spreading rapidly so:

- Please ask @MassGovernor and @marty_walsh what they're going to do about this

- Please vote for Biden/Harris and Yes on 2! Last day to register in MA and early voting is ongoing!
Also: COVID deniers will be insulted and/or blocked on sight.
Because I left it off and don't want people hunting around:

This graph is from the MWRA, the sewage treatment plant which serves greater Boston. They're measuring viral RNA copy number in the wastewater, as a way to measure community spread.

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