okay so im only going to be speaking about this topic once and once only. so, as you’ve all heard about the things between irene and staff incidents, i PERSONALLY still support irene, she apologised and SM even announced to the public that irene met up with the staff member-
and apologised personally for her actions and that’s MORE than enough for her to do. we as reveluvs should support irene more than EVER during this time because people are commenting about her appearance, age etc, which is completely wrong.
i understand that she’s 30 and shouldn’t have done that, but who wouldn’t have yelled in that situation? don’t tell me you’d be more calm to prove your point because that’s obviously not true. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and we cant always have high standards for idols.
i know, idols should be professional but they’re human too. irene apologised, and i respect her for responding back as quickly as possible and apologising for her actions instead of hiding behind SM. this incident doesnt define irene as a person, she’s EXTREMELY kind.
and has always cared for her staff, dancers and members. please get off my account if you don’t agree with this thread :)
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