Video games are an inherently right wing medium. They vary on a scale between being outright about conquest to being about extreme individual agency.
Attempts to rectify this either inject prog narratives (fails, "ludonarrative dissonance") or remove player agency (walking sims).
Right from the start they had the main themes of sports and space conquest. Even attempts to narratively subvert this (Missile Command having an anti-cold-war message) failed (you're still defending your homeland).
Now you even have "crime" games (eg GTA, Payday) which you think would go against this pattern, but they all end up being hyper-right-libertarian fantasy bait too. The reward structure is around amassing cool guns or cars. Trying to make you feel guilty for doing this never works
Ironically, that would mean the game that has the most success in being a "left wing" game would be Spec Ops: The Line. But even then, people complained about removal of agency during a pivotal scene.

And then the "left" shifted to be more interventionist, so it got left behind.
Mostly posting this because I see a lot of "family guy conservative" accounts wondering why their circles are crammed full of adults who play games, when they view it as an odd pastime.
How did they think people who grew up simulating righteous colonial conquest would turn out?
Guessing this is why "the forces that be" want you to watch games instead of play them. Complete removal of agency, usually some weirdo with odd colored hair in the streamer chair.

And why they're so mad that Japan took over that sector lol.
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