ok im gonna be posting my perception of you as an odly specific thing one at a time under this tweet cause twt hates me,, i’ll quote tweet this and let you know when its complete
ok 1. when you stir a big bowl of thick whipped cream with a rubber spatula and it goes fwop plob wspop fwop,, idk it has you vibes
8. when you’re chilling by a campfire anf you’re kinda dozing off,, and then the fire makes an absolutely obnoxious POP noise and you’re startled awake,, and you’re like mm heheeh campfire,, and then you get to see all the stars out and you’re like,, damn,, thank you noisy fire
4. when you’re failing a test and you dont know the answers and in the last couple minutes you’ve been erasing more than youve been writing and so you’re anxiously fiddling with your eraser, and then it flies out of your hand and you’re like.. fuck what else could go wrong,
and then you go to pick it up but?????? it landed vertically?? and you find that way cooler that it shouldve been and you get a surge of confidence and are able to bs something for your test (2/2 oops)
6. that moment when u slide on hardwood in socks,, but its a different pair of socks and they slide waaay more than usual,, and u almost like,, faceplant or smth but u dont,, and you’re like phew glad im alright,, shouldnt have done that.. but like,, that was fun lets do it again
2. when you’re listening to a song that uses a bunch of pan (where it does the side to side thing in your ears) but one earbud is broken so you half like a weird,, half-song but lowkey its super fucking cool
3. when you sled somewhere u shouldn’t cause u got 3ft of snow and,, you gotta. but then you accidentally go over a really really steep bit and youre like aaaa and decide to bail,, but the snows thick so you just tumble down a bit and it was way more fun than if you hadnt bailed
5. that moment when two classically trained singers are doing a duet and they hit two really hard notes,, and they’re holding it and then????? their vibrato syncs up?????? and its like just a few seconds of like : 0
but its epic. idk why this has you vibes,,
7. when the thing you got from a vending machine gets stuck,, and you give it a little slap,, and ??? it works?? and stuff actually falls from your little slap? and like tHREE things fall?? but.. you realize none of them are what you bought/wanted but you’re still like ‘,:) ok
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