someone in oomf's server trying to defend cops lmao
asked him some questions and didnt wanna answer if he was antifa or not it was a yes or no question
i'd be surprised but the people in the server throw the f-slur about like its on the same level as dingus like stfu yall are the straightest people i've ever met
and whenever they get any kind of criticism they pull the "just leave XD" card like stfu i cant decide where to put gifs because you sorted your shit by "picture room" and "link room" and im not gonna post art only to have to ignored with a shitty meme sent 2 seconds after
at this point im considering leaving the server, they wont fucking listen to a word i say and always bring up some brand new excuse, when they cant win keep trying to change the subject, like ok i guess we'll move on from the guy who refuses to answer wether or not hes a fascist-
-just because "HNNGG ITS SPOILING THE HAPPY MOOD" apparently
im not making this thread to attack them, im merely expressing my complaints about their server that they refuse to listen to let alone actually fix.

at this rate im fucking tired of it but its not gonna stop <3
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