McConnell opening the Senate floor discussion on Amy Coney Barrett by insisting he and his fellow Republicans did not completely flipflop on their 2016 arguments against election-year confirmations. Lies, lies, lies. #BlockBarrett
McConnell ALSO lying that Lindsey Graham didn't break the rules of his own committee, which clearly required at least two members of the minority be present to conduct business. Is this really how you want to be confirmed Amy Coney Barrett? On stacks of lies? #BlockBarrett
The Republican motto is: If we have the power to do it, we can do it, regardless of how hypocritical and regardless of whether we represent a minority of Americans as we do it. DO NOT FORGET THAT WHEN THEY'RE NOT IN POWER. #BlockBarrett
Now @SenSchumer is calling out both McConnell's lies and the absurd way Senate Republicans have prioritized this confirmation over COVID-19 relief. "What principles govern their current mad rush?" None, of course. "Naked opportunism," he says. #BlockBarrett
"This will be the most partisan, most hypocritical, and least legitimate nomination in our nation's history," @SenSchumer quite accurately explains. #BlockBarrett
Schumer now highlighting everything Senate Republicans are *not* doing to prioritize Barrett's confirmation, promising to introduce essential bills that passed in the House but have languished in McConnell's "legislative graveyard," including the HEROES Act. #BlockBarrett
In his remarks, Schumer has called Trump "incompetent" and the Barrett nomination a "sham." These terms may seem tame, but not on the floor of the Senate.

He now tries to move to a legislative session. #BlockBarrett
In response, @SenJohnThune now channeling Trump by suggesting the Senate should not be voting on a bill that helps blue states. "Is that what the American people want?" I mean, there are a lot of American people in blue states who might want that help, yes. #BlockBarrett
I don't know, @SenJohnThune, South Dakota is facing one of the worst outbreaks of COVID-19 thanks to some of the worst mask adherence in the country. And yet your priority is confirming an anti-health care justice? I'm not sure I trust your judgment, sir. #BlockBarrett
As Republicans lie in an attempt to claim legitimacy as they force through Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation, do not forget the full extent of their promised obstruction to capture the courts. #BlockBarrett

From November 1, 2016:
LOL @SenJohnThune just claimed it's the Democrats who view the judiciary as an "auxiliary legislature" to get done what they can't pass in Congress.

Hey Sen. John McCain, can you help us fact-check that claim, maybe in the context of the ACA? #BlockBarrett
"He'll keep trying, he has no alternative," @SenatorDurbin says about McConnell's incessant lying about the fake precedents he invented to justify blocking Garland but rushing through Barrett. #BlockBarrett
Now @SenatorDurbin is literally just reading from today's @nytimes to highlight just how much worse the COVID pandemic is getting across the country thanks to the failed leadership of Trump and the GOP. But let's get an anti-ACA justice on the bench. #Prioirities #BlockBarrett
As Republicans drool about taking health care away from millions, @SenatorDurbin recounts his own experience spending 10 years paying off health care bills when he had no health insurance. #BlockBarrett
I had to tune out for a bit, and surely won't watch all 30 hours, so ending this thread here, but stay tuned for more from the Senate floor throughout the rest of the weekend.
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