Curious why we cut this piece together? Because you deserve to know the truth - I do not support defunding the police.
My opponent has been trotting out the same, tired lie about defunding the police. A common tactic when you've got nothing else to go on.
I decided it was time to fight back. As a mother, candidate and elected official, I refuse to sit by and pretend his lies don't hurt. They do. They hurt honest, hard working Kansans most of all.
Kansans deserve better than the same, divisive political cycles. They deserve answers about healthcare. They deserve answers about a Covid-19 plan. Most of all, they deserve dignity.
We put this clip together because you don't deserve the panic, you don't deserve the confusion, you don't deserve the chaos of lies.
You deserve genuine leadership. You deserve honesty. And that's what I'm going to bring to the table for all of us this November. #Vote2020 #NovemberIsComing #StandUpKS #KS02
You can follow @Michelle4Kansas.
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