MINI-THREAD on votin'.

1) When Tea Pain goes to vote, he leaves his 1984 Winnebago Brave and takes a 3 minute stroll to the Gizzard Ridge Baptist Church. Since Tea Pain first voted in 1995, there's never been a line.
2) That's most likely because Gizzard Ridge has a population of less than 60 folks. Think about that. 60 folks have a pollin' place all to themselves. Compare that to Houston, Texas, where a county of over 4 million people have to share a single early votin' drop box.
3) When Tea walks through the door, he's always greeted by Irv Pence, Gizzard Ridge's poll manager for the past 42 years. Tea never has to produce a photo ID cause Irv's known Tea since he was a little critter.
4) Unlike in Philadelphia, there's no twitchy team of poll watchers hopin' to find a flaw in Tea's signature from when he first registered 25 years ago.
5) Tea takes his ballot, makes his selections, then hands it back to Irv for safekeepin'. With COVID goin' on, there's no hangin' around outside and chitty-chattin', so Tea's safely back in his Winnebago in less than 15 minutes.
6) Compare that to those folks that wait 8, 9 even 10 hours to vote down in Georgia. Wanna know why that's so? Tea Pain forgot to mention something about those 60 folks that live in Gizzard Ridge. They're all white and they're 90% Republican. Ain't that interestin'?
7) We need to live in a nation where Tea's votin' experience is EVERYBODY'S votin' experience. These folks that spend a whole day in the elements are extreme patriots. Tea Pain tips his shiny hat to each and every one of you! You are the heart and soul of our Democracy.
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