As we enter the fall with increasing COVID-19 cases, an election, and a lot on our minds, one useful thing is to pause from looking backward and asking what we could have done, and to look forward, and ask what we can do. THREAD
1. As a person, ask if you are doing all you can to limit exposure. Are you wearing a mask, socially distancing, and avoiding gatherings (esp indoors)? What can we each do as an invidual to limit the spread and reduce the case load->A LOT.
2. As a community, are there guidelines about activities, indoor dining/activities, schools, and testing which make sense? if so, follow them. if not, do better yourself and exercise your right to vote.
3. Vote for local leaders who will advocate for guidelines based on science, for widespread testing and transparency of data, and for a data-oriented approach to school. If your local leaders are not doing that, they should be held accountable.
4. As a nation, do we have a concerted national approach to testing/tracing, or even guidelines and funding for local communities to execute such guidelines? Do our leaders model good behavior and push all of us to do what we can to limit the spread?
5. Have our leaders provided the resources and infrastructure to ensure front-line health care workers have PPE and don't have to reuse masks for weeks at a time which were not designed to do so? The answer is a resounding NO.
I ask all of us to do our part, to follow the science/experts, and I will continue to do the same.
I plan to vote with this one issue above all others & to support leaders who will tell the truth, model good behavior, follow the data/experts, and lead us out of the pandemic
If we all strive for this, we can get through this together.
Wear a mask. Socially distance. Vote.

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