Next week (28/29th Oct) a female prisoner is going to court in England to challenge the policy that allows male-bodied prisoners to be placed in female prisons. She is going to court because she was abused by such a prisoner. 1/
The reason why this happens is because the Ministry of Justice has ignored the legislation that allows certain activities & spaces to be designated single-sex, like prisons, sports, all women shortlists, etc and instead decided that self-ID is the criteria on which a prisoner 2/
can be allocated to a prison. This is despite the potential for harm to the female prisoners (who are already incredibly vulnerable, with histories of abuse and trauma, regardless of what you think of their crimes). I don't know about you but if you were to make a significant 3/
change to an institution, organisation, community group, you'd hope a risk assessment would be carried out to look at the potential for *new* harms to happen to the *existing* group of people, wouldn't you? Just me? Anyway, the decision was made that putting statistically 4/
more violent men in with women (frequently the target/victims of the men) would not put the female prisoners at risk. So, the policy was changed so that male prisoners who may genuinely have experienced "gender dysphoria" and identify as women were allowed into female prisons 5/
But so were the men who wanted to identify as a woman so they could get an easier time in a female prison, as were the men that wanted to get closer to women to attack them and abuse them. And you know what? These self-id prisoners did just that. 6/
This case was so shocking it caused an uproar. After some fact checking @fairplaywomen (later confirmed by the MoJ) found that a statistically higher number of transgender prisoner were sex offenders. 7/
And let be absolutely clear, *no-one* is suggesting transgender people in general are more likely to be sex-offenders or rapists are perverts. No-one. The stats just show that in English/Welsh prisons there is an over-representation and this may well be down to ease of 8/
self-ID, or other more nefarious reasons from a person already in prison. But definitely worth noting. And definitely worth wondering about these prisoners that are now classed as female prisoners, what will this do to the female crime stats as we now have female rapists 9/
and crime stats that show men *are* significantly more likely to be sex offenders (with women the victims) will change to suggest that women are becoming more violent, committing more violent sex-based crimes, when they aren't! 10/ (from @ProfAliceS
Bloody women, eh? So, anyway, the MoJ kicked "Karen White" out of the female prison they were in and reviewed their policies - that worked out well (not). 11/
And this is why there is a judicial review being driven by an abused female prisoner next week. But Scotland, don't think you get off lightly. The same nonsense is happening here and - even worse - the Scottish Prison Service was targeted for "gender identity" ideology 12/
"We strategised that by working with the Scottish Prison service to support them to include transwomen are women on a self-declaration basis... we would be able to ensure that all other public services should be able to do likewise..." 13/
Genuinely appalling. Targeting the SPS to adopt self-ID, because after all, who cares about prisoners, eh, particularly female ones? And they've committed a crime, so do we care if they get abused by male prisoners, if the male prisoners feel more validated as women? No.14/
I'll add that a lot of this investigation is being driven by @fairplaywomen, with some very passionate allies, so please do consider donating to their funds because without their work, we wouldn't know half of what has been happening in prisons. 15/ 
And I am going to add that @ForwomenScot have a date for their judicial review (7th Jan) into legislation passed by Scot Gov to redefine "woman" to include anyone that self-ids as one, so that public boards can achieve a 50/50 balance, 15/
Oooh, I forgot to mention Ireland. Ireland, where unicorns roam free and self-id is now law. Which means if you say you are a women, you are woman. And you know what? They *also* have problems with male prisoners identifying as women, what a surprise 17/
2 male-bodied prisoners are now housed in Limerick's female prison. And they are so safe they are accompanied at all time by officers (so presumably the self-ID prisoners are actually Schrodinger prisoners, they are both a risk and not a risk at the same time? 18/
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