Fall seems to be the season for Mobility-as-a-Service panels and debates.

Speaking at several has led me to reflect on my own MaaS journey, summarized in the đŸ§” below (w/article links).

TLDR: Despite great promise and hype, very few people use MaaS today. We need new models.
2/ I first learned about MaaS ~5 years ago. It offered a captivating vision: Leverage new technology to knit together trips on transit, bikeshare, carshare, scooters etc to improve cities and reduce private driving.

I was fascinated and wanted to learn more.
6/ Meanwhile I've been looking for an example of a MaaS platform that sparked mode shift, but I haven't found one.

A few transit agencies launched their own MaaS app (like Berlin’s Jelbi), but I don't see evidence of widespread use with those either.
10/ For more info, the OECD’s @ITF_Forum has an intriguing new report of MaaS: https://www.itf-oecd.org/pricing-and-efficient-public-transport-supply-mobility-service-context

To be clear, I want car-light cities to thrive. I just don’t see evidence (yet) that MaaS will get us there.

Want to tell me why I’m wrong? Have data to share? I'm all ears.
You can follow @DavidZipper.
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