Whether they care or not is a good question, but Trump is trying to appeal to a specific segment of his base.

Christians who identify as "non-denominational" tend to be in the "3rd Wave" hyper-charismatic movement that has given rise to the so-called New Apostolic Reformation.. https://twitter.com/socofthesacred/status/1319944199496675328
2) One of the most distinctive features is the claim that 3rd Wave/NAR has "prophets" with the ability to communicate directly with god & receive messages/teachings/edicts (and so on) that *can augment scripture*.

This makes 3rd Wave/NAR Christianity almost uniquely predisposed
3)...to be politically weaponized.

So, during the 2016 presidential campaign, NAR "apostles" such as Lance Wallnau went on a speaking tour, to movement churches, to tell the faithful that Trump was a latter-day "Cyrus" sent by God. This message was uniquely tailored to Trump...
4)...because Cyrus, in the biblical narrative, was the Babylonian king who, though he was not of the Jews, nonetheless carried out the will of Heaven by freeing the Jews from captivity. To call Trump a "Cyrus" explicitly allows for Trump to be less than righteous, at least...
5)...in his personal behavior but nonetheless still function to fulfill god's will on Earth. Because Trump is a businessman (of the mafia sort, but nonetheless) he clearly understands the transactional nature of his relationship with the hyper-charismatics of the 3rd Wave/NAR...
6)..so none of his personal behavior is relevant. Even if it were proven that he is a cannibal pedophile, he would still be god's righteous agent. Such is the power of the 3rd Wave/NAR style of Christianity, that it can redeem even a figure as behaviorally risible as Trump...
7)..this is why, from 2015 onward, Americans (those who pay attention, at least) have seen a seemingly endless procession of images of pastors laying hands on Trump, praying over and blessing him. He is their man. As a note of interest, though Amy Coney Barrett is nominally...
8)..Catholic, her cultic, hyper-charismatic "People of Praise" movement embodies some key features of the 3rd Wave/NAR movement, specifically both "prophesy" (in the strong sense I've detailed) and also "spiritual gifts" in the strong sense. Into 2008, the official web page...
9)...of the People of Praise featured the claim that believers could possess the same gifts of the spirit given to Jesus' original apostles including, quite literally, *the power to raise the dead*. This claim is also characteristic of the 3rd Wave/NAR, and the parallel is not...
10)..at all accidental - the roots of the People of Praise appears to trace back, as does the 3rd Wave/NAR, to the movement known as Latter Rain, which emerged from a renegade Pentecostal church in Saskatchewan, Canada, in the late 1940s. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latter_Rain_(post%E2%80%93World_War_II_movement)
11) Some of the original Latter Rain leaders such as Emanuele Cannistraci and Dick Iverson would later participate in the creation of the NAR as an organization of the 3rd Wave tendency. Latter Rain theology was most specifically elaborated in a work by George Warnock called...
12) .."Feast of Tabernacles". Warnock's personal secretary Ern Baxter would go on to help found another wildly controversial, related movement known as "Shepherding" under which new converts would place themselves under the severe guidance of "shepherds" who would control all of
13)..their major, and sometimes even minor, life decisions, in a manner somewhat similar to the traditional relationship, in some Eastern religious traditions, between guru and disciple. By the mid-1970s the Shepherding movement had provoked so much controversy that it was...
14)...specifically challenged by Christian Broadcast Network founder Pat Robertson, in a famous 1975 letter to one of the key Shepherding leaders, Bob Mumford, who worked with Baxter. Robertson strongly implied that Shepherding was heretical. Baxter and Mumford worked closely...
15)..with three other leaders in a ministry called "Christian Growth Ministries" that represented the vanguard of Shepherding on the Protestant side. But Shepherding emerged within Catholicism as well, in part due to the efforts of the Catholic leader Kevin Ranaghan, who was a...
16)..co-founder of the People of Praise. The 5 Christian Growth Ministry (CGM) leaders worked closely with Ranaghan, to hold various Shepherding conferences. For several years, CGM sold a book by Ranaghan on charismatic Catholicism and CGM's official magazine, New Wine featured..
17)...in one of its issues, a lengthy interview with Ranaghan.

Amy Coney Barrett's father was, in turn, a significant leader in the People of Praise, and while she was in law school, Barrett lived in the house of Kevin Ranaghan.
18) As and end-note, some strains of Latter Rain (and I do not so far have evidence of this idea in the People of Praise) include the end-times belief that in the end-time there will rise a supernaturally endowed race of super-believers with powers even greater than those of...
19)..Jesus' original apostles. Such powers might include the abilities to de-materialize, teleport, be impervious to bullets, and even become immortal. This end-time army, sometimes called "Joel's Army", would bring about the Millennial Kingdom (and usher in a new golden age)...
20)...by cleansing the Earth of evil, perhaps including people deemed to be so. Various NAR-affiliated churches, so as Bill Johnson's Bethel Church in Redding, CA and Rick Joyner's South Carolina Morningstar church appear to be actively trying to raise up a generation of young...
21)..believers who possess such supernatural powers. Another NAR leader, prophet Lou Engle, has explicitly stated that his movement traces back to the original Latter Rain movement.
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