1/ If I hear another Tory say "there people with hungry kids have mobile phones" I will explode. Without a mobile phone it's pretty much impossible to cope. How do you find a job without a phone? How does authority contact you? Make an appointment at the doctors? Talk to school?
2/ Having a landline and internet access isn't always an option - particularly if your life is unstable and you're constantly being moved - as many single parent families are. The acid faced heartlessness of so many of these mean spirited Tory sods is beyond depressing.
3/ Yes we all know people who milk the system and we know which pubs they drink in but the biggest feeders at the trough are those at the top table who take the millions in (wink wink) contracts or people like Rees Mogg and Crispin Odie who make money simply by moving it around.
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