Britpopper traits (stolen from others):
* Born mid-1960s, give or take few years
* Parents originally from t'north, raised lower-middle class in the provinces, went to a 'bog-standard comprehensive', then to a [Russell Group university], moved to London after graduating
* Got a job in something vaguely middle-class that wasn't high finance (those people are 'fatcats' but 'impressive').
* Upward-mobility is not about doing well for yourself or improving the country, but rather about rather about vaguely 'sticking it to the elite', ho ho!
* Thatcher was 'nasty' to t'north, but still 'impressive'. Benefited from the boom in London and see hope in the 'knowledge economy' and 'cool Britannia'; those 'bankers' and their 'bonuses' are "sinister" yet "impressive", and stuck it to the man (the traditional Eton Tories).
* Politics is a game, and the job of the media is to act as a Greek chorus to the "crazy rigmarole that is British politics :)".
* Blair slightly 'dark' but 'impressive'; quite right that he had a spindoctor and obsessed over what the media thought
* Aversion to genuine high culture; somewhat feigned and artificial interest in football; 'the pub' (they haven't gone more than a few times since they had children); and pop music.
* If they do watch 'high culture', it needs to subvert it. A black man as Hamlet? Radical!
* China 'impressive'; Germany 'impressive'; Obama 'impressive'; France 'not impressive'; Japan 'weird, no longer impressive'; Africa 'not impressive'; India 'not impressive'; The City, Blair 'impressive but slightly 'dark''.
* Favourite things: Blair winning in 1997; Oasis' 'Definitely Maybe'; 2012 Opening Ceremony
* Objectively one of the worst educated and least competent (yet somehow one of the wealthiest, though not as wealthy as those a bit older than them) in British history, falling between the grammar school era and the post-1990s bipartisan efforts for improvements in education
* The European Union is 'sensible' but 'not impressive'; however, some of the institutions within the EU, especially the Commission and other undemocratic aspects, are in fact 'impressive' as seen from their interpretation of the Brexit negotiations
Important contribution from a 🔒: "Ironic relationship with their hometown is a key feature, alternating between self-deprecating folksy anecdotes and general 'it's a shithole' insinuations...
...they don't want to be seen as being 'proud to be from Sheffield' - that's too lizard-brained - but they like to talk about it to emphasise their difference".
* Attlee 'hero'; Macmillan 'toff and not impressive'; Wilson 'clever but not impressive'; Heath 'clever but not impressive'; Callaghan 'underrated'; Thatcher 'nasty but impressive'; Major 'not impressive';...
...Blair 'impressive but slightly dark'; Brown 'impressive, brooding, unlucky'; Cameron 'toff and not impressive'; May 'wooden and not impressive'; Boris 'toff and not impressive'
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