I came across this behavioral analysis on the http://NCJRS.gov  website explaining behavior characteristics and patterns in predators. I found some interesting information I'd like to chat about.

tw // this whole thread contains mentions of child sexual assault, abuse
Feel free to read for yourself here: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/149252NCJRS.pdf

And as expected of a discourse blog, I will be reigning things back to fandom as a whole while I write out my thoughts.
This thread is not meant to thoroughly psychoanalyze anyone, but rather talk about patterns, calls for judgements, etc. when it comes to predators. I'm not an expert, nor am I formally educated in the topic but I hope it can help people learn how to spot a predator.
The analysis defines the terms child molester and pedophile to start off the read.
With that said, I want to jump to page 11, mostly because they talk about the risks of generalizing human behavior and fully acknowledge there's no set-in-stone catch-all behavior pattern that can out predators right away.
With this in mind, they also list off specific behaviors that have been long found in predators, including:
- previously been sexually assaulted
- limited social contact
- lives alone with parents
- unmarried / difficult relationship
- limited peer relationships
Although the above is listed, they also state that it is not any explicit indication of predatory behavior on its own, and is often paired with others like:

- refers to children as pure/innocent/clean
- associates often w/children
- shows sexually explicit content to children
- "identifies better" with children than adults
- attracts children with attention, affection, gifts, and promises
- collection of child pornography/erotica

They list these identifiers as higher priority, as they do directly relate to the relationship with children.
The list goes on, with reasonings explained.
Taking a step back from continuing along the analysis, I want to look at the latter half of the list, because I feel it's important to look at spaces like fandom where it's become a melting pot of all ages with varying backgrounds and cultures.
Here I go a little more in depth of my thought process for each one.

>> Keeping kids safe online: https://www.justice.gov/coronavirus/keeping-children-safe-online
>> NCMEC: http://report.cybertip.org  or call 1-800-843-5678
>> FBI: http://tips.fbi.gov 
I believe it's important to differentiate between child pornography and child erotica. I've compiled a quick list that the analysis states could be part of child erotica.
The analysis lists child erotica to include:
- Visual art and written literature
- Candid shots
- Newsletters
- Hair, clothes, underwear, cologne magazines
- Astrology charts
- Toys, dolls and game advertisements

Among many others listed on pages 26~27.
They make it very clear that normal photographs of your family, things with artistic value, and catalogues, etc. etc. around your home are not immediate signs of collecting child erotica. It's stated that these are case-by-case elements.
The rest of the analysis dives deeper into the types of victims that are often sought out.
- Naturally curious
- Easily led by adults
- Need for attention/affection
- Rebellious with parents
- Nervous to report/talk to authorities
Obviously, the fault is never in the victim. Especially in a situation involving children and adults. But it also helps to look at the type of victim predators go after, to better understand and look for more behavioral patterns.
Pages 45 and above are beyond my own personal comprehension of the subject matter as it focuses more on the legalities in court, so there's a large chunk of the analysis that I won't be covering. But it's worth a look anyway.
I'll probably come back to this a little later on with even more thoughts, so here's to an open-ended thread, I really hope everyone takes a look over this and perhaps open a more educated conversation on the subject matter
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