Many have been saying that there aren't any Chinese lit in translation that aren't from decades ago. That might have been true last century. It also depends on the tastes of the secondary language market. English-language publishers had focused on China's history, and readers.. rather fixated on the Cultural Revolution and Tian'anmen. This is no longer the case in the 21st century, though Chinese literature in English translation's still got a long way to go. I'll be tweeting regularly about books from China published over the last decade...
...that have also been published in English, until, well, I run out. Starting with Ken Liu's first Chinese SF anthology, featuring works by renown writers, many of which originally published 2010s, and featured in my 2016 talk. I enjoyed the other stories when I got my copy.
The Book of Shanghai @commapress , 10 contemporary stories about the city by 10 Chinese writers, most of which were first published within the last 10 years. I bought it a few months ago and have enjoyed dipping in.
Chen Qiufan’s The Waste Tide @tordotcom @HoZ_Books, biohazard SF based on real-life recycling of toxic plastics in China, originally published in 2013.
This just about makes my criteria. An essay collection by Yu Hua @penguinchina China In Ten Words. “Framed by ten words and phrases common in the Chinese vernacular...reveals as never before the world’s most populous yet often misunderstood nation.”
Originally published in 2010.
The Reincarnated Giant anthology @CUPPublicity curated Prof Mingwei Song and Theodore Hunters, features the ‘new wave’ of ‘subversive’ 21st century Chinese SF, many of which were originally published within the last decade.
Fascinating novel by Wang Hongjia @sinoistbooks based on Song Ci, China’s first forensics investigator, originally published in 2016. One that’s definitely on my list.
Hao Jingfang’s Vagabonds @simonschuster @HoZ_Books about Interplanetary politics, space colonialism, culture, identity and much more, reflecting current Chinese fascination with the red planet, by the chief editor of the China #Mars exploration program’s official app.
Literary thriller A Perfect Crime by A Yi @OneworldNews , originally published in China, 2012.
Baoshu's Redemption of Time @tordotcom @HoZ_Books , first published in 2011.

In fact, I'll be bringing you more of Baoshu's and Hao Jingfang's recent works, early next year, watch this space.
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