leave me alone about melee, i entered more tourneys and more hours than any of you, i feel like doing more different things right now. It's my favorite game of all time but the game is obviously never dying and I'm allowed to do what i feel like and branch out.
i like all the smash games (does not mean i have to like everything about them all or like them all equally), i always been that way. There were time periods of where I focused on different games more than others (melee 05-2018, brawl 08-2013, pm 12-15, content 2019/20)
right now im tryin to do a bit of everything cuz i think that's the best longterm, I'm working on monthly tourney series, i coach and do lessons (gonna do that more in future), writing about it(still wip), streaming youtube etc cuz i dont wanna put all my eggs in 1 basket
also cuz doing 1 thing for an extremely long time isn't as enjoyable as mixups are (im still lookin for more mixups so im really looking forward to PS5 coming out since there's a lot of franchises and games I'm highly interested in playing)
i may or may not be back at some point but if i do dont expect me to be prime form like before ultimate cuz i comparatively barely trained/studied/etc since then. If we're talking "potential" then sure but putting expectations on someone that hasn't applied themselves is dumb
just answering all this publicly so i dont have to do it with each individual person that asks (got many of those recently). I want a good long-term (and more mixups) so I'm doing whatever I think gets me into a good (and less stressful) life
the "game is obviously never dying" part is important (and is also what I actually believe) because it means there's no rush for example, i could do it in a week from now or many years and it'll still be fine because it's popular, good, good online, etc.
it also means and makes me feel like (which is why i also mentioned that I'm in the top .00001% of playtime/tourneys entered/won/etc) many people wouldn't be satisfied unless I nonstop did it forever, no breaks, just only this, when almost the 2nd half of my life was already this
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