The key question you need to ask yourself when planning for your future is how soon do I wan’t to make work optional

I wouldn’t think in terms of a traditional cliff edge retirement

Instead the idea of making work optional or achieving financial independence is key for me
Most people only reach this stage well into their 60’s

I think that is too late personally

I have seen numerous clients achieve it around age 50, which I think is a good age, as you have plenty of life left in you

Want to go for super early and in your 30’s great do it
I just wouldn’t make it too late that’s all, earlier the better really

Personally I am going for 50, so in 15 years. Although I can always see myself doing some work, albeit far less time consuming and less focused around earning money
The truth is I didn’t take any of this serious until I turned 30

In reality my earnings weren’t particularly high until then

But the biggest problem is I did everything I told people not do. I just spent all my money

I got the most expensive car I could afford
The biggest mortgage the bank would give me and didn’t worry if I had money for what I wanted to do as I could pay that back later

I see guys in their early 20’s absolutely smashing it not making these stupid mistakes and taking it seriously

@Per_Fin_Monkey is a great example
And they will certainly be able to make work optional sooner than me, as they have a 10 year head start

That’s the key start as soon as you can, heck doing the rights things from 30 is better than 40, but start in your 20’s and that is far more powerful
It’s why I am so passionate about getting younger people to realise this ASAP

And to help them understand the basics of what they need to do

I don’t think building wealth and making work optional need be too difficult

The hard part is getting out of our own way
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