The fact that I have zero memory of very large chunks of my life is scary lmao
I could not tell you what the fuck was going on in my life in 2018, I legitimately do not remember
Also 2016, I know I graduated in 2016 but that’s...... about it.
This is smooth why I struggle with answering the question of when I moved to the states because I genuinely don’t fully remember... it’s hella blurry- and not remembering when I literally moved to a different country makes me feel stupid LMFAOOO
I used to get so embarrassed because I didn’t remember that I would just pick random years, then people started catching on my girl didn’t you say you moved here in ___? Chile idfk ask my mama damn
I can’t remember being 14
People always think I’m joking or exaggerating when I say this, I literally genuinely have no idea what happened throughout alot of my life, like I literally....... don’t remember.
It’s literally like my brain was wiped, I remember bits and pieces of random things that make no sense but that’s about it.
I also won’t remember the littlest things, I could completely finish an anime, was completely invested intrigued and attentive- you could ask me a question about it 10 minutes later and I will have no answer for you.
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