Genuinely interested in people’s opinions on this...

The term rewilding sits uneasy with me personally as it conjures up thoughts that we can let nature be and over time it will regenerate all by itself. Allied to this, the term is also linked with reintroduction of species...
...such as beavers (being the notable example). I worry that this leads to a one dimensional approach to complex issues. After all, halting biodiversity decline is connected to so much more than just making places wild again. One could argue whether we can in fact achieve...
... rewilding without first habitat restoration?

Habitat restoration recognises that in order to make places more biodiverse and resilient to climate change, we first need to restore habitat from the ground up. This is undoubtedly complex, and requires us to think beyond... dimensional solutions such as mass tree planting, reintroduction of once native species, reclassification of land etc. In the shift from looking at no-net loss to net gain I hope we begin to focus on the requirements of and value in, restoring degraded habitats and...
...enhancing habitats to build resilience in what we have already as opposed to just making them ‘wild’ again. We have an incredibly diverse canvas to work with in Wales, and the UK, but the Climate & Biodiversity crises we are experiencing demands we think of solutions for both.
As I said, interested in hearing thoughts from others on here!
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